Day 5: The first flight

Norfolk, VA to Kill Devil Hills, NC

Breakfast at Charlie’s Cafe in Norfolk. The real deal. “Season of the Witch” playing to add to the time-warp vibe. Counter with the grill right behind it.

Charlie’s Cafe

In North Carolina, State #8!

Visited the Wright Brothers National Memorial in Kill Devil Hills.

The Wright Brothers Visitor Center (built 1960), a lovely midcentury modern building

It’s windy, which is why the Wright Brothers came here. Also flat.

I walked on the actual spot where the Wrights made the first flight. The first flight started at the far boulder and ended at the foreground boulder. (The boulders are NPS monuments, and this was all sand in 1903.)

Where the first flight took place

Their story, their persistence is so inspiring.

Late afternoon light in Kill Devil Hills


One response to “Day 5: The first flight”

  1. Fae Hamilton Avatar
    Fae Hamilton

    Interesting to see the site of the Wright Brothers’ flight. I didn’t know it was so short!

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