Silverthorne, CO to Cheyenne, WY
Father’s Day. Left a Happy Father’s Day to my Dad on Facebook. In the elevator I saw a dad with two adorable boys and wished him happy Father’s Day.
Sweatshirt weather. Loving it.
Left Silverthorne. Went through the Eisenhower Tunnel, which takes I-70 under the Continental Divide. (I was recrossing the Divide here from West to East.)
In Denver, I did what I did in Philadelphia and Atlanta – passed through without stopping.
Stopped in Welby at Mr. Egg for an early lunch. Waited outside for a while for a table. The food was fantastic. I had a vegetable omelet that came with pancakes.
The very northern part of Colorado is different — it’s rolling grasslands.
Crossed into Wyoming and went to the state welcome center. Got out of the car and was hit with a pleasant smell of grass. The Southeast Wyoming Welcome Center is a lavish building. Clearly no expense was spared. It’s a postmodernist building with a cantilevered prow built in 2012. The architect was Anderson Mason Dale Architects.

It sits on 26.2 acres of grassland, donated to the state by Neil McMurry, with a huge bowl of sky above it.

After checking in to my hotel, I drove to downtown Cheyenne. True to form, there was no one on the streets. This happened in many cities but it was way creepier here. My outlook on cities is all wrong. I live in the city that never sleeps, but other cities sleep.
They have bike share, but you have to call up and give them your credit card. There is no app.
The railroad was important to the town’s history and it’s very prominent in town — runs right through the center.

The lovely Union Pacific depot, built in 1886, is now a museum. The architect was Henry Van Brunt and the style is identified by a sign as Richardson Romanesque.

Most of downtown Cheyenne’s buildings are undistinguished.
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