Day 11: The back roads of Georgia

Jacksonville Beach, FL to Athens, GA

To get ahead of schedule a little, I took one day instead of two days to go from Jax Beach to Athens. I also tried “shunpiking,” that is avoiding Interstate highways.

The shunpiking worked out well. I love seeing assemblies (those groups of highway shields) and I love a JCT sign. And seeing towns, seeing the way people live, serendipity and the unexpected. It does take a little bit longer, but it’s not as nerve-wracking.

I crossed back into Georgia and back-roaded my way to the university town of Athens, known for its music scene and origin of REM and the B-52s. Athens is set on a hill and has a funky, mysterious vibe with disused-looking railroad tracks through town. It’s a visual equivalent of the darkness of Murmur.

East Broad St., with a small assembly on the right
Clayton St.
Disused rail tracks


One response to “Day 11: The back roads of Georgia”

  1. Valerie Horowitz Avatar
    Valerie Horowitz

    I hate highways and avoid them if I can. I didn’t know I was a “shunpiker” but I will proudly wear that monicker now!

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